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Happier and more productive employees

Book Company Presentation 

Your Mental Armor is foundational to all aspects of life and work — impacting all your thoughts, emotions, relations, behaviours and performance.

Within a two-week span, I learned I
was going to be a father and that I had a malignant brain tumour from lymphoma. That is to say: You can't always control your circumstances, but you can build Your Mental Armour to be more present for life's pleasures, increase focus, well-being and productivity, and to reduce stress and prepare for and get through life's challenges.


In my presentation, I hope to inspire by sharing my story about Climbing Mount Cancer and some of my tools (goal setting, meditation, stoic techniques and gratitude journaling) for getting the most out of life and work .


The science-backed mental and physical benefits of investing in Your Mental Armour, such as enhanced concentration, attention, cognitive functioning, patience, empathy and better stress management, are directly transferable to the workplace.

A worker with resilient Mental Armour is not only a better worker and co-worker but also a key driver of enhanced productivity, efficiency, and innovation within a organisation. Resilience allows employees to handle stress, deadlines, and challenges more effectively, minimising downtime/sick leave and maintaining high levels of performance even under pressure. By investing in giving your workers tools and insights to enhance their Mental Armour, companies can see a tangible improvement in task completion rates, quality of work, and overall output. This investment in Your Collective Mental Armour translates into a competitive edge, as resilient teams are better equipped to cooperate, meet targets, innovate, and push the boundaries of what is possible within tight timeframes.

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