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 Metta meditation

Metta meditation, also known as loving-kindness meditation, is a form of meditation that focuses on cultivating an attitude of love and kindness towards oneself and others. The word "Metta" is a Pali term that means kindness, goodwill, friendliness, and benevolence. The practice is rooted in the Buddhist tradition but has been adopted and adapted beyond Buddhism in broader mindfulness and meditation practices.

At its core, Metta meditation aims to cultivate a feeling of an unconditional, inclusive love and kindness that starts with oneself and expands to others and the world. The benefits of Metta meditation are widely recognized and scientific research on Metta (loving-kindness) meditation suggests its broad range of  benefits, including  increased positive emotions, decreased negative emotions, and improved mental well-being.

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How to do "Metta"

Sit down like in an ordinary mediation session.

At the heart of Metta meditation is the repetition of specific phrases or intentions that express wishes for well-being, happiness, safety, and peace for oneself and others. These phrases might include sentiments like "May I be happy," "May I be safe," "May you be free from suffering.

The repetition of these phrases, combined with the cultivation of a heartfelt intention behind them, serves to reinforce the practitioner's capacity for compassion and empathy.

Practitioners may also engage in visualizing the mental images of the intended recipients or project a beam of light from their heart towards others as a method to enhance the generation of compassionate intentions.

Enhance positive feelings

Studies have indicated that practicing loving-kindness meditation also can enhance empathy, boost positive feelings and the feeling of social connectedness, and even contribute to a reduced bias against others. It's a practice aimed not only at emotional healing but also at fostering a sense of connectedness and a more compassionate world. 

Consider Metta meditation as lighting candles in the dark. First, you light your own candle, symbolizing the cultivation of love and kindness towards yourself. This is crucial because it's hard to share light if your candle isn't lit. Then, you use your candle to light others' candles—your loved ones, then acquaintances, even strangers, and those you don't get along with. Each candle represents a person receiving your wishes for happiness and peace. This act doesn't diminish your light but instead makes the room brighter for everyone. Like lighting candles, Metta meditation spreads warmth and brightness from one person to another, enhancing the overall atmosphere with kindness.

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