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The cornerstone of my journey through brain surgery, cancer treatment and rehab was my resilient Mental Armour. This invisible shield was  crafted through meditation, self-compassion, an other tools, and a conscious decision to face adversity with courage and positivity. This resilient mental armour did not make the journey easy, but it made it possible.


My Story

I underwent brain surgery on Thursday, January 11th, to remove a malignant tumour in the cerebellum caused by lymphoma. The tumour had started to press against my brain and skull, causing unbearable headaches and nausea. The brain surgery lasted for 3 hours and was successful: they opened my skull, removed more than half of the left side of my cerebellum, including the entire tumour, and I survived.  After the surgery, I experienced significantly reduced balance and nausea, as well as decreased coordination and fine motor skills in the entire left side of my body. My condition still required a marathon of cancer treatment and extensive rehabilitation to get to were I am today.


This personal journey accelerated my motivation for wanting to share my experiences and tools for living the best life possible. The core of my motivation lies in the belief that the psychological struggles often pose a greater challenge than the physical obstacles during life’s crises. My firsthand experience has shown me the significant role that Your Mental Armour plays in well-being, enjoying life's pleasures more, and preparing for the challenges - because when shit hits the fan, it is too late to start building the fundament.


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